With english subtitles on Thursdays
Willem II
A royal musictheatre comedy, based on the wild and wonderous life of King Willem II.
This performance is in Dutch. English subtitles are available on Thursdays as of July 13th.
This summer Orkater will be playing in the Amsterdamse Bostheater! A nine-piece rockband of talented Orkater makers will set the woods ablaze with a wild musical trip about our desire to be together and our inability to achieve it. Wildfire is a musical and visual spectacle for adult audiences to enjoy on a summer’s evening, inspired by Maurice Sendak’s iconic picture book Where the wild things are.
Benni feels alone. She misses her father and worries about the world. An argument ensues, the sun is about to burst, and meanwhile everything and everyone rages on. The mounting pressure is unbearable. Benni escapes into a world where urges are given free rein, and anger, grief, longing and euphoria find their purest form. A refuge from big feelings. There, where the wilderness is.
Wildfire promises total theatre with a lot of music, about the fear of loneliness and the urge to connect. How do we face an uncertain future without losing each other?
“The Amsterdamse Bos is the perfect place to exorcise our loneliness together.” – director Belle van Heerikhuizen
The role of Benni will be played by ‘Ntianu Stuger (1998), tipped by national newspaper de Volkskrant as one of this year’s most iconic talents. Wildfire will be directed by Belle van Heerikhuizen (1992) who previously created the hit shows ILIAS and The Master and Margarita (selected for the Theatre Festival 2022) as a member of the Orkater collective KONVOOI. The script is by acclaimed young writer Nina Polak (1986), whose novels have received literary nominations and awards.
The music is composed by jazz drummer, composer and producer Jimmi Hueting, a member of the Nieuwkomers Collective UMA which made its debut in Orkater’s Oroonoko in 2022. As frontman and founder of the band Jo Goes Hunting he brought out two albums which according to de Volkskrant are impossible to listen to without grinning widely. MAISON the FAUX, who were awarded the prestigious Fashion Stipend prize by Cultuurfonds, will design the costumes. The set design by Ruben Wijnstok will highlight the wilderness of the woods.
Please note that this live audio description is in Dutch.
On Friday September 8th, the performance is accessible to the visually impaired. This evening is organized together with Dutch foundation Komt het Zien!. Click here for more information about this foundation (opens in a new page. This website is in Dutch).
Do you want to order tickets for September 8th? You can do so via this page (choose ‘Ticket met blindentolk’), by e-mail ([email protected]) or by calling: 020-6700250 (available from May 1st).
Do you have a ticket for this performance and do you need a step-free setting or wheelchair space? Send us an email to [email protected]. Please indicate on what date and with how many people you are planning to visit our theatre.
Please note this play is in Dutch.
English subtitles:
Please note that English subtitles are only available on:
Thursday July 13 & 20
Thursday August 24 & 31
Thursday September 7
Theatre opens at: 18.30h
Start of the performance: 20.30h
End time: around 22.00h
Friday august 25th and september 1st and 8th. Watch the performance and dance the night away afterwards, during the ClubNight. Until 01:00 you can enjoy a nice drink and a dance with a live DJ right in the middle of the magical woods of Amsterdam.