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De Warme Winkel performs

Het Zomeroffer

in collaboration with Touki Delphine and Asko|Schönberg


English subtitles available on Wednesdays and Thursdays as of July 17th

This summer, it’s going to happen: The car is going down. It has brought us a lot: individual freedom, adventure, convenience, and eroticism, but its time has come. It has to face its end.

Het Zomeroffer (The Summer Sacrifice) is based on the famous The Rite of Spring (Le sacre du printemps) by Igor Stravinsky. Where in the original ballet a young woman is sacrificed, in this version, every evening for 35 summer evenings, the four-wheeler of someone from the audience will die. Someone who is ready to take a step back to let the earth catch its breath. Those who want to survive must make sacrifices. And a sacrifice is never painless…

In a grand music theater spectacle where theater, music, singing, and dance merge into a contemporary yet timeless ritual, our beloved car meets its end.

De Warme Winkel is without a doubt the most talked-about theater company in the Netherlands. In 2019, they could be seen in the Amsterdamse Bostheater with the acclaimed De Drie Musketiers (The Three Musketeers), which broke all visitor records. Then they were spectacular and hilarious, now they go for monumental and poetic. Together with the internationally renowned multi-talents of Touki Delphine and master musicians of Asko|Schönberg, a large ensemble of actors, singers, and musicians take on this extraordinary challenge.

Do you want to sacrifice your car?

If you are intrigued to give up your car, and thus your mobility, because you are convinced like De Warme Winkel that the earth needs moral donors, there are there still a few evenings available. Sign up here (page in Dutch) and receive twenty free tickets!


  • Vincent Rietveld, Ariadna Rubio Lleó, Gerben Vaillant, Ward Weemhoff, Chris Doyle, Rik Elstgeest - Text and performance |
  • Chris Doyle, Rik Elstgeest, Bo Koek (Touki Delphine) - Composition |
  • Jetse Batelaan - Final direction |
  • Bernadeta Astari of Nienke Nillesen - Vocals and performance |
  • Margreet Bongers (Asko|Schönberg) - Bassoon |
  • Joey Marijs (Asko|Schönberg) - Percussion |
  • Koen Kaptijn (Asko|Schönberg) - Trombone |
  • Sergei Dovgaliouk (Asko|Schönberg) - Horn |
  • Chris Doyle (Touki Delphine) - Piano and Keys |
  • Rik Elstgeest (Touki Delphine) - Percussion |
  • Martine Vrieling van Tuijl, Szophia Twisk, Ella Boomsma, Mara Linde Tieleman, Lizz Veen - Corps de mecaniciens |
  • Janne Sterke - Set design |
  • John van Oostrum (Touki Delphine) - Installations |
  • Bernadette Corstens - Costume design |
  • Mijs Elffers - Costume intern |
  • Wout Panis - Lighting design |
  • Michiel Schnelle - Lighting technician |
  • Will-Jan Pielage - Sound design |
  • Robert van Delft - Sound technician |
  • Manuel Boutreur - Technical crew and crane operator |
  • Joppe Kos - Production management |
  • Cedric van Daalen - Technical production |
  • Isobel Dryburgh - Artistic planner and coordination |
  • Lisa Groot - Marketing and publicity |
  • Lara Verheijden - Campaign image |
  • Nele Jackson - Model campaign image |
  • Sofie Knijff - Stage photography |
  • KesselsKramer - Graphic design |
  • Touki Delphine, Asko|Schönberg, Het Amsterdamse Bostheater - Co-producers |
  • Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Blockbusterfonds, Fonds 21, Zabawas, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Fonds Podiumkunsten - Supported by

Ticket costs

  • Tickets
  • Students

Extra information

Theatre and summer terrace open: 6:30 PM
Start performance: 9 PM
Length of performance: TBC

Trigger warnings:
The performance is still under construction. Any trigger warnings will be shown here no later than one week before the start of the show.


English subtitles
While the performance is Dutch spoken English subtitles are available on most Wednesdays and Thursdays. If you wish to make use of the subtitles, we kindly ask you to select this option in the ticket selection box. The exact dates are the following:

17th of July
18th of July
24th of July
25th of July
31st of July
1st of August
7th of August
8th of August

Student tickets only upon presentation of your student card.


Details performance

  • Dogs on leash allowed
  • from 12 years old
  • Main stage
  • Wheelchair Accessible